Charlotte Coin Bag Template

$ 14.99

This little cutey is another Joni Londo project - named after one of her great nieces!

 Similar but different than the Mini Maddy.   It's a bit smaller & you don't have to place the fabric on the fold....!

The boxed bottoms are cut using Cut Marks that make cutting & sewing so much easier! 

Typically, you can’t use a rotary cutter to cut ‘into’ a template to create boxed corners, but the ‘cut marks’ allow the blade of the cutter to cut into the template creating a nice corner that can then be sewn into a boxed corner. 

You’ll find this technology to make Boxed Corners on my Bottle Bag Template, my Storage Pods in 5 sizes, my Box It, Square It, Place It Set (10 sizes of corners!) and 2 new templates - my Tie Me Box and my Boxy Knot Bag template.

There are lots more templates similar to this in lots of different sizes so stay tuned!

So many, many options....