Ice Cream Cozy Template

$ 22.99

This is a big seller for me & those that make & sell tell me it's a big seller for them, too!

Whatever your plans, they are such fun to whip up for yourself & others!

If you or someone you know loves eating ice cream right out of the pint, then this little cozy is just the thing~

It will keep your ice cream colder and your hands comfortable. 

Plus, if you like those microwaveable Ramen Noodles or Cup O Soups, this works for those as well!  Just be sure to use 100% cotton batting with no scrim, 100% cotton thread and no metallic in your fabrics.

 This cozy has sides with darts and a bottom.

 This is not only the perfect gift but also the perfect sellable item!  

BTW - My template is so popular that a Chinese company knocked me off.  They put together a video using my hands, my template, my sewing & more.  They weren't even selling my template but a cheap plastic version of it!  It's OK; I believe in Karma.

Not sure if it will fit your food item?  I've included pics showing 1st a pint of ice cream then Cup O' Noodles to give you some idea.  The ice cream pint fits perfectly; the noodles have a little give but still work well. 

You'll also see pics with Talenti Gelato which is not angled like the others but it works for these 'fancy' desserts, too!