Microwave Bowl Fussy Cuts

$ 14.99

Be sure to use the Drop Down Menu to select the Fussy Cut that you'd like.

Don't own the Microwave Bowl Cozy Templates yet?

You can find them here: Search: 31 results found for "microwave bowl" – Winner Designs (winner-designs.myshopify.com)

Want to buy the Microwave Bowl Cozy Template and the Fussy Cut?  They're not on my website yet but call me (Linda at 850-449-0259) & I can place your order! 

Love my Microwave Bowl Cozies but want to be able to fussy cut your fabric?

These templates work hand in hand with my Microwave Bowl Cozy Templates!

I now have them in both Rounded and Square, so you choose the style and the size~

And, of course, the Bundles offer the best prices!

I don't have pics or videos on these but these work like any other Fussy Cut Frame that I have.  Check out the video that I did years ago using the Square Templates.  It's the same concept but you'll use my Winner Designs Microwave Bowl Cozies instead!

Cutting Squares & Fussy Cutting - Martelli - YouTube