Towel Topper Dress Template - V1 Oops!

$ 12.99

Thinking about purchasing this?  Be sure to check out my Version 2 first so you know that you have 2 options!

 You can find Version 2 here: Towel Topper Dress Template V2 – Winner Designs (

There are 2 big differences:

  1. Version 2 has a more gradual curve to make cutting easier
  2. Version 2 has correct engraved markings
  3. V1 has a much sharper curve that gives a more distinct 'dress look' but it is harder to cut with a rotary cutter
  4. V1 has engraved markings that are incorrect but the template still works (I've added correct markings with a metallic Sharpy)
  5. V1 is a few $$ cheaper!


You may have seen these cute little girl dress towel toppers before.  Or maybe you've even made these before. The No Slip Backing makes cutting so much easier and definitely more accurate.  This template features my new gray No Slip Backing.

This template features an "Oops" as it was cut before I could check the markings.  You'll see the "Fold" marking is in the wrong place and the writing is upside down.  But rather than trash them, I'm passing the savings on to you!  The template still works and I've added correct text to the template.

Take advantage of this great price break!

There's no video on this template yet but there are tons of directions and videos out there making this style of dress.  Plus, there's so many different ways to make it and dress it up.  Drape the dress over the oven door and use ribbon ties to tie each side together. Or place velcro on the insides of the front and back to hold it together. 

Add lace, ribbons or even pockets for embellishment.

I love a good towel and this flowery one just hit the spot for me! So much so that it's one of my Take-n-Make Towell Toppers!

BTW - My friend Beth created the aqua dress from 2 different Winner Designs templates before this template was created. She's such a great example of an "outside of the box thinker"!